The road ahead

ERMEGERD. Crispin and Nancy are back! Briefly. Sort of. Maybe.

Read the rest: The beginning, Crispin meets Gina, Spilt milk, Pretty Penny, 4am, Stumble, Left in the lurch, Slip & Getting caught

He drove. Trees flicked passed, the colour of the grass along the mountainside changing from sunburnt brown to yellow and finally, a rich green, with each mile marker. Knuckles white, hands sweaty and too many words sitting on the tip of his tongue, Crispin felt the claustrophobia grow and bubble around him.

“We are all disabled to some extent.” He remembered these words from a lifetime ago, but back then he was whole. Complete – at least physically. The class he had been sitting in was big, and despite sitting in orderly rows, his classmates were the rowdy sort. The comment brought about a titter of amusement, and a pause from those who disagreed. That pause, though silent, was louder, more obstinate; engulfing.

He never had the chance to even consider the ethical implications. One minute he was smiling and the next minute he was flat on his back, surrounded by the thrum of machinery and the glare of bright lights. How do you even explain that to someone without being on some side of the metaphorical line?

Nancy shifted, bringing him back to the present. He glanced over at her, her hair looking harassed and her hands a fumbling mess. Crispin didn’t even need her to return his look for him to see the jumble of emotions she was feeling.

“How much longer?” Her words came out cracked.

“Not long now,” he replied, turning back to the road. It seemed to go on endlessly.

The March bin

I think this was a pretty good month when it comes to finishing things. It feels pretty good every time I chuck a plastic container away. Victorious! So what ended up at the bottom of the bin?

Soap & Glory Foam Call body wash
I put in a Boots order last year and this was one of the items in my wonderful haul. I actually meant to order Rich and Foamous, but this was a nice change. It was quite fresh, fruity and zingy – perfect for after gym, morning showers, or omg-it’s-so-damn-hot-but-need-to-wash-the-sweat-off showers.

Oil of Morocco Hair Mask sachet
My hair. It’s the bane of my existence. I dream of having straight, moisturised, perfect locks…but I know that doesn’t actually exist. Anyway, this was nice. There was A LOT of product in this sachet. I have mid-length hair and I could have done my hair twice with this stuff. I didn’t feel any long term changes but maybe that requires me to use it more than twice? I actually finished two sachets.

Clarins Bright Plus HP Brightening Repairing Night Cream
I actually really liked this. This wasn’t the full size version as far as I know – it came as a gift with purchase sort of perk when my mom repurchased her Clarins moisturiser. She usually passes on all the deluxe samples to me (no complaining here). It was pleasant – not something I’d buy myself, but yeah, smelt nice, felt nice…

Clinique Body Sparkle Exfoliator
Oh my god. I have been lusting after this stuff for forever and a day. I was going to buy it from the UK or US – that’s how much I wanted it. I thought it was just one of those products that don’t come to South Africa, but then one day I was browsing the Clinique website for something and saw a banner on their front page with this baby plastered all over it. My eyes turned into little twinkling hearts and I knew it was time. I ended up buying this in store at Edgars and am considering picking up another now that it’s finished… despite it’s hefty price tag… Maybe I’ll add it to my birthday wishlist…

Johnson’s Face Care Daily Essentials Oil Balancing Facial Cleansing Wipes
I normally remove my makeup with a cleansing oil/balm (at the moment, The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Oil) but this gets a little tricky on gym days. So, on those days I fall back on face wipes. I like to remove my makeup before I sweat up a storm and these work pretty well. When I get home, though, I do give my face a proper wash.

Lush Rub Rub Rub (330g)
This was a really amazing Christmas gift from my aunt… And I loved it. It’s supposed to be a bit of an exfoliator as it has sea salt in there, but it’s not very scrubby. What it does have going for it is the smell. It smells like a lime cocktail in the sunshine, and leaves my body feeling nice and clean and soft. I’d actually consider buying this for myself one day when I’m feeling flush.

Schwarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair with Liquid Keratin – Ultimate Repair Shampoo (very damaged/dry hair)
Ugh. Another one of those products that I loved and now hate. The first bottle was magic. This… not even close. I was literally begging it to end. But it wouldn’t. Because I bought a fuck off big bottle. Ugh. Never again. I’m using the Loreal Elvive Extraordinary Oil range at the moment, which, when all three products are used in conjunction (shampoo, conditioner and mask) makes my hair feel amaze balls.

Dove Nourishing Oil Care Conditioner
WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN?! Again, I loved this once upon a time. Now I’m just like “eh…”

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"We have lingered in the chambers of the sea
By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown
Till human voices wake us, and we drown."

- T. S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (1917)

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